Sneakes company
This spp is a CRUD application, rendered with react and its hooks. Users can view and add items to the cart and checkout when they are done.
- Ruby on Rails - Hotwire
- React

Movie List
Movie Listing, is an application that shows a list of movies. There is a form for filtering through the list and a slide for going through them.
- React
- Redux
- CSS3

Country List
In his project, I made a request to an api, then rendered the response. There is a search & filter form for interacting with the application
- React
- Redux
- Styled Components

This project, a replica of Newsweek.com, was built using bootstrap framework, Bootstrap 4.0 version. The html is structured in this order: containers, rows and columns. With this structure in mind, you can think about the code in the right way.
- Bootstrap
- CSS3